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Fatima. Letter of Lucia to Goncalves (1936-05-18)Letter of Sister Lucia to Father Goncalves (1936-05-18)IS IT STILL NECESSARY TO INSIST? … About the other questions, if it will be convenient to insist in order to obtain the consecration of Russia? I answer in almost the same way as I answered the other times. I am sorry that it has not been done yet, but the same God Who asked for it, is the One Who permitted it. I am going to say what I feel about it, although it is too delicate a subject to talk about in a letter, due to the danger of it getting lost and being read, but I entrust it to the same God, because I am afraid I have not treated the matter with enough clarity. THE PROMISE REMAINS. If it is convenient to insist? I don’t know. It seems to me that if the Holy Father did it right now, God would accept it, and would fulfil His promise; and without any doubt, through this act, the Holy Father would gladden Our Lord and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA: TRIUMPH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. Intimately I have spoken to Our Lord about the subject, and not too long ago I asked Him why He would not convert Russia without the Holy Father making that consecration? “Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that it may extend its cult later on, and put the devotion to this Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart.” “PRAY VERY MUCH FOR THE HOLY FATHER!” “But my God, the Holy Father probably won’t believe me, unless You Yourself move him with a special inspiration.” “The Holy Father! Pray very much for the Holy Father. He will do it, but it will be late!” AN UNCONDITIONAL PROMISE. “Nevertheless the Immaculate Heart of Mary will save Russia. It has been entrusted to Her.” FEAR OF ILLUSION... AND YET, CERTITUDE. Now Father, who will assure me that all this is not a mere illusion? Because of this fear, I have not talked about it to anybody, not even my confessor. I am afraid of deceiving myself and others, which I want to avoid at all cost. You will judge this, and do with it what Our Lord inspires you to do. Believe me, if it were not for the fear of displeasing Our Good Lord because of my lack of clarity and sincerity, I would never have decided to speak so clearly. When I speak intimately with God, I feel His presence to be so real that there is no doubt in my mind, but when I have to communicate it, all I have is fear of illusion. About your visit, I would be very pleased with it because of the spiritual good that it would do me. Maybe Our Lord will arrange it. THE REVOLUTION RAISES FEARS FOR THE FUTURE. Here we are waiting for the day when they will close the house. In that case I suppose they will cancel the decision that I not go to Portugal, at least until they get me a passport to Switzerland or to some other place. The idea of returning to Portugal mitigates the sacrifice of leaving this house… ANSWER TO A QUESTION. P.S. — About Mexico, Spain and France, you know that they are not included in the promise. We would have to count on the generosity of the Divine mercy… A NEW PROMISE FROM BISHOP DA SILVA. The last time I spoke to the bishop, he promised me that he would take care of this matter (the consecration of Russia), but I don’t know if he did. I leave everything in the hands of God and in the care of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and I try to work in my field of action, which is sacrifice and prayer. Although these are as poor as I, I hope that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will accept them, for the conversion of sinners… From Lucy's Letter to Fr. Goncalves (1936-06-05)After Sister Lucy had received an answer from Father Gonçalves, she answers to him on June 5, 1936: If, in order to take care of this situation with a greater degree of understanding, you need to use my letters or what I say in them, you have my full consent. You already know that you can discuss anything that you want with my approval, when you talk to the Bishop of Leiria. With other people I feel a certain reluctance, but don’t pay any attention to it. If you need to do so, proceed with liberty. As for me, I will overcome these feelings, with God’s grace and for His love… See also