Fatima. Russia. Historical dates
July 13, 1917
Our Lady third time appeared before three young shepherd of Fatima. She asked the children
to sacrify themselves for sinners.
The Mother of God showed the children Hell, where the souls of sinners go. Our Lady said that to prevent the God's punishment of the world for its crimes She will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.
June 13, 1929
Apparition of the Holy Trinity at Tuy, Spain. Our Lady said to Lucia, that the
“…moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.”
August 19, 1929
Pope Pius XI confides the Russian people to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.
February 2, 1930
The letter of Pope Pius XI to Cardinal Pompili. The Pope was talking about the persecution of the christians in Russia. He was inviting Cardinal to celebrate, on March 19, 1930, a Mass of reparation for criminal offences against the Divine Heart of Jesus, where he was going to implore the Mother of God, the particular protectors of Russia and especially the Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, to whom he has especially entrusted the future of russian souls.
March 19, 1930
The ceremony at Saint Peter’s Square in Rome for the conversion of Russia. Pope Pius XI celebrated a Mass of reparation for criminal offences against the Divine Heart of Jesus.
May 29, 1930
The letter of Sister Lucia to Father Goncalves. It contains the explanation of reparatory devotion and consecration of Russia.
June 12, 1930
The letter of Sister Lucia to Father Goncalves. She submitted here the complete set of answers to his questions. She was also talking about the revelation of Our Lord on May 29, 1930. Thorough explanation of the five Saturdays devotion and the consecration of Russia is given, as well.
May 13, 1931
Act of consecration of Portugal to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
August 29, 1931
The letter of Lucia to Bishop (1931-08-29). Jesus Christ compared the disobedience of his clergy with the disobedience of the King of France. The clergy repeats the path of the King of France and they will follow him into misfortune, too.
January 21, 1935
In the letter to Father Goncalves Sister Lucia reminds that Our Lord was very displeased because His request had not been attended to. She answers, that Father should insist with the bishop regarding the matter of Russia and does not modify Lord's request.
May 18, 1936
The letter of Lucia to Goncalves (1936-05-18). Russia has been entrusted to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
End of March, 1937
The letter of Bishop da Silva to Pope Pius XI was received by the Holy See on April 8, 1937. Bishop communicated to Pope the request of Heaven about the Consecration of Russia and the practice of the Reparatory Devotion.
October 22, 1940
Revelation at Tuy (1940-10-22).
Our Lord said to Lucia, that He will
“punish the nations for their crimes”.
The Pope will obtain an abbreviation of these days of tribulation if he will publish
“the Act of Consecration of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention of Russia.”
December 2, 1940
The letter of Sr. Lucia to Pope Pius XII requesting the Consecration of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart.
(On January 21, 1940, Sister Lucy insisted that Father Goncalves once more urgently request from the Holy Father the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The request actually reached the Pope between February and April 1940. Since nothing was done, new requests were addressed to him in June. And, finally, in December of 1940, Sister Lucy herself wrote the Sovereign Pontiff.)
June 20, 1941
The letter of Lucia to Goncalves (1941-06-20).
October 31, 1942
In the radio message, Pope Pius XII, addressing to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, made solemn act of consecration of the Church and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
February 28, 1943
The letter of Sr. Lucia to Don Manuel Ferreira, Bishop of Gurza. “The conversion of Russia is not for now”.
February, 1946
In the interview Sr. Lucia explained to Fr. Jongen: “I think that now Our Lady’s words are being fulfilled:
'If this is not done
(she had just recalled ‘the exact request’ of the Blessed Virgin),
Russia will spread her errors throughout the world'.”
End of 1951
About a hundred Russian pilgrims to Fatima had sent a petition to the Holy Father asking him to make the consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima.
July 7, 1952
Sacro Vergente Anno (1952-07-07).
On July 7, on the occasion of the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, apostles of the Slavic peoples, Pope Pius XII published the Apostolic Letter, in which he consecrate all the peoples of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
December 26, 1957
Conversation of Sr. Lucia with Fr. Fuentes (1957-12-26). “Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation.”
May 13, 1982
Pope John Paul II. Act of Consecration of the Modern World to Our Lady of Fatima.
March 25, 1984
On the square of Saint Peter’s Basilica, before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope John Paul II pronounced his act of offering the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
See also
Documents on Fatima & Memoirs of Sister Lucia.
— 2-nd english edition. — Fatima Family Apostolate, 2000.
Воспоминания сестры Лусии о Фатиме. Том I.
Сост.: Свящ. Луис Кондор SVD.
— Изд.: Secretariado dos Pastorinhos. — 2-е издание. — ISBN-10: 972-8524-72-2
Father Joao de Marchi, I.M.C.
Fatima from the Beginning. — 5-th edition. — Fatima, Portugal, 1985.
Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite.
The Whole Truth About Fatima.
— Immaculate Heart Publications. — Buffalo, New York, 1990.
Mark Fellows.
Sister Lucia:
Apostle of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
— Immaculate Heart Publications. — Buffalo, New York, 2007.