«Время, времена, полувремя», «42 месяца», «1260 дней» — все три варианта означают «полуседмину времён», «преполовение дней» — период времени, к концу которого враг Церкви доводит Народ Божий до совершенного изнеможения
и до полного умерщвления
«Time and times and half a time», «42 months», «1260 days» — all three versions mean a «half-week of times», a «half of days» is a time interval, towards the end of which the enemy of the Church brings the People of God to utter exhaustion
(Dan 7:25;
and to complete dying
(Rev 13:15).
Днями измеряется время в стане семени Жены
(Быт.3:15): “… жена убежала в пустыню,… чтобы питали ее там тысячу двести шестьдесят дней”
День — единица измерения движения большого светила, управляющего днем
Days measure time in the camp of the seed of the Woman
(Gen 3:15): “… the woman fled into the wilderness,… that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days”
(Rev 12:6).
Day is the unit of motion of the greater light to rule the day
(Gen 1:16).
Месяцами измеряется время в стане зверя, т.е. семени змия
(Быт.3:15): “дана ему власть действовать сорок два месяца”
Месяц — единица измерения движения малого светила, управляющего ночью
Months measure time in the camp of the beast, i.e. of the seed of the serpent
(Gen 3:15): “he was given authority to continue for forty-two months”
(Rev 13:5).
Month is the unit of motion of the lesser light to rule the night
(Gen 1:16).
В период полуседмины времён наиболее опасным врагом Народа Божия (семени Жены,
является «зверь, выходящий из моря»
«зверь 666»
(семя змия,
Быт.3:15). «Зверь 666» (семя змия), ведет борьбу с Народом Божьим (семенем Жены)
и даже
Народ Божий
During the «half-week of times» the most dangerous enemy of the People of God (the seed of the Woman,
Gen 3:15)
becomes the «beast rising up out of the sea»
(Rev 13:1),
the «beast 666»
(Rev 13:18)
(the seed of the serpent,
Gen 3:15). «Beast 666» (the seed of the serpent)
is fighting agains the People of God (the seed of the Woman)
and even
the People of God
(Rev 13:7).
возвещает конечную победу семени Жены, “которому надлежит пасти все народы жезлом железным”
Пастырь, пасущий народы «жезлом железным», ввергает зверей в озеро огненное
Rev 19:15-21
announces the final victory of the seed of the Woman, “who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron”
(Rev 12:5).
This shepherd, who is ruling “all nations with a rod of iron”, casts the beasts “into the lake of fire burning with brimstone”
(Rev 19:20).
The end of the “half-week of times” is not the “end of this age”
Defeatist eschatology, identifying “the end of this age” with the end of “half-week of times,” one of the humiliating manifestations of the predicted defeat, was born already in the first generation of Church Fathers, spiritual sons and “grandchildren” of the Apostles themselves. “Time, times, half time”, “42 months”, “1260 days” — all three variants of one symbol were interpreted by them as the last 3.5 calendar years before the Second Coming. But if in all three cases the same period of time is predicted, then the difference in the units by which it is calculated: “times”, “months”, “days”, becomes superfluous, idle. And in the sacred text, not a single iota or line can be idle. Consequently, in these three variants, not a temporal duration is predicted, but something more significant. “Until a time, times and half a time” means “until the half (up to half)
of days”, until the moment at which the enemy of the Church brings the People of God to complete exhaustion, according to the prophet Daniel
and to complete mortification, according to the Apocalypse of John
But this mortification has nothing in common with the death by which the Apostles and martyrs glorified God
(John 21:19).
“For since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons' strengthless presumption.”
The subject of special envy and malice of the ancient serpent is that New Testament Israel receives in birth from “Jerusalem above, the Mother of us all”
(Gal 4:26),
according to the initial establishment of enmity between the serpent and its seed, on the one hand, and the Woman (clothed in the Sun)
and Her seed, on the other
(Gen 3:15,
Rev 12:13-17).
By the end of the “half-week of times”, the enemy manages to kill in the People of the Church everything that makes them the seed of the Woman clothed in the Sun, the offspring of the Highest Jerusalem, the Mother of us all.
The wicked
"do not halve their days"
By the end of the “half-week of times”, God’s Providence prepares a crushing defeat, completely unexpected for the enemy, which the Holy Spirit predicts through the mouth of the Psalmist: “Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days”
(Psa 55:23).
It (defeat)
is being prepared by the Woman clothed in the Sun and Her seed in the events that are predicted in the second half of the
19th chapter
of the Apocalypse and at the beginning of the
20th chapter.
It prepares the People of God for the Marriage of the Lamb
(Rev 19:7),
the “first resurrection”, the beginning of the co-reign with the ever-reigning Christ
(Rev 20:3-6).
See also
— half, middle — половина, середина
— half, middle — половина, середина
— to rule, have dominion, reign — господствовать, владычествовать, управлять, начальствовать;
давать господство, ставить владыкой, наделять властью;
господство, владычество, держава, власть
— to rule, have dominion, reign — господствовать, владычествовать, управлять, начальствовать;
давать господство, ставить владыкой, наделять властью;
господство, владычество, держава, власть
ποιμαίνω G4165
— to feed, to tend a flock, keep sheep — пасти;
окружать заботой, лелеять, беречь
ποιμαίνω G4165
— to feed, to tend a flock, keep sheep — пасти;
окружать заботой, лелеять, беречь
ῥάβδος G4464
— a staff, a walking stick, a twig, rod, branch — палка, трость, розга, посох, жезл
ῥάβδος G4464
— a staff, a walking stick, a twig, rod, branch — палка, трость, розга, посох, жезл
Resurrection of Jesus
Resurrection of the dead
New Jerusalem
Kingdom of Jerusalem
City upon a Hill
Christian eschatology
Jewish eschatology
Great Apostasy
George Florovsky,
The «Immortality» of the Soul