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Garabandal Warning and Leo Tolstoy

The World will be bad when the Warning comes

    Conchita Gonzalez
• “…it is impossible that the world could be so hardened as not to change.”[**]

Question: Will the Warning be recognized by the world as a direct sign from God?
Answer: Certainly — claro, and for this reason I believe it is impossible that the world could be so hardened as not to change.

Interview with Conchita
September 14, 1965

    Jacinta Gonzalez
• “…[the] difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst.”[**]
• “…the Warning would come when conditions were at their worst. It wouldn't be just the persecution [of the faithful] either because many people will no longer be practising their religion.”[**]
Question to Jacinta: “Can you tell us anything about what the world will be like when the Warning comes?” Answer: Bad..”[**]

Question: Do you recall anything about a great tribulation, communism…?
Answer: Yes, it was an invasion, well, something that was a great evil in which communism played a great part, but I no longer remember which countries or what region was stricken. The Blessed Virgin insisted in telling us to pray (that it be averted). These difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst.

Interview with Jacinta
August, 1979

Question: You have also said that when things were at their very worst then the Warning will happen. How do you know this? Did the Virgin tell you or did you see it in a vision?
Answer: The Virgin said that the Warning would come when conditions were at their worst. It wouldn't be just the persecution [of the faithful] either because many people will no longer be practising their religion.

Question: Can you tell us anything about what the world will be like when the Warning comes?
Answer: Bad.

Interview with Jacinta
April 16, 1983

    Mari Loli Mazon
• “It would look like the communists would have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practise the religion, for priests to say Mass or for people to open the doors of the churches.”[**]
Question to Mari Loli: “Will people be fighting with one another when the Warning comes?” Answer: no answer.[**]

Question: Do you remember what the Blessed Mother said about the communist tribulation that is to precede the Warning?
Answer: It would look like the communists would have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practise the religion, for priests to say Mass or for people to open the doors of the churches.

Question: Is that what you meant when you said that it would seem as though the Church had disappeared?
Answer: Yes.

Question: It would be because of the persecution and not because the people would stop practising their religion?
Answer: Yes, but I guess a lot of people will stop. Whoever practises it will have to go into hiding.

Question: Will this only be in Europe or do you think it will be here in the United States as well?
Answer: I don't know because for me at that time, Europe was the whole world. I just assumed it was that way. The Blessed Mother didn't specify in what place. To me it looked like it was everywhere.

Question: Approximately 67% of the earth's land is now dominated by communism. Do you think that's sufficient to fulfil Our Lady s prophecy?
Answer: I really don't know. It sounded to me like it would be more than that.

Question: In other words you think it will be worse than it is now?
Answer: That's what I thought from what she said but I really don't know exactly. To me it looked like it was every place out there, the places I saw in my mind. In a lot of countries in Europe you can still practise your religion.

Question: So, the situation in the world is not bad enough for the Warning to happen?
Answer: The Warning is not going to happen yet so it's probably going to get worse.

Question: You said that it would be very difficult for priests to say Mass. Was this something that the Blessed Mother told you or was it something that you thought yourself because of the communist tribulation?
Answer: From what I remember, it was something She said.

Question: And the Virgin said that it would seem as though the Church had disappeared?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Did the Blessed Mother ever say anything about the Holy Father having to leave Rome at the time of the Warning?
Answer: No, but what it looked like to me — maybe at this time I was confusing in my mind what I was seeing and what the Blessed Mother was saying to me because it's been so many years — but what it looked like to me was that the Pope couldn't be in Rome either, you know what I mean, out in the open. He was being persecuted, too, and had to hide just like everybody else.

Question: Will people be fighting with one another when the Warning comes?
Answer: (no answer)

Renouncing of the socially useful lie

In this bad world, evil will take over everything. A small number of the righteous will remain, who will ceaselessly cry out to God. This is what will make God intercede for those who pray.

L. Tolstoy puts forth everything to risk, puts everything into the picture. When man ceases to oppose evil by force, then God Himself begins to act, there comes into its own right the Divine nature. (N.A.Berdyaev)

Dostoevsky has posed a profound problem. But otherwise, the problem was put just as radically by L. Tolstoy, a very truthful writer of world literature. The whole creativity of L. Tolstoy was directed against the lie, it is a marvelous unmasking of the lie, upon which rests civilisation, the state, and the organisation of society. In essence, L. Tolstoy puts forth everything to risk, puts everything into the picture. The core of Tolstoy’s teaching about non-resistance consists in this, that when man ceases to oppose evil by force, then God Himself begins to act, there comes into its own right the Divine nature. There is nothing easier, than to criticise the teachings of L. Tolstoy. It is very easy to demonstrate, that amidst non-resistance evil always conquers. But Tolstoy trusted on an historical miracle and in the name of faith in this miracle of a direct intervention by God he sets forth to risk the perishing of society, the state and civilisation, the perishing of the world, which is sustained on lie and coercion, upon law, contrary to the law of God. Christians wanted to arrange their affairs in any case, such that matters would go fine even if God were not. L. Tolstoy demands first of all the renouncing of the socially useful lie.

[Leo Tolstoy] proposes to adventure the world for the fulfilment of the law of God. … If a man ceases to oppose evil by force, that is, ceases to follow the law of this world, then there will be an immediate intervention of God; then divine nature will enter upon its rights. The good conquers only upon the condition of action by the Divine itself. (Nikolai Berdyaev)

The religious anarchism of Leo Tolstoy is a most thorough-going and radical form of anarchism, that is to say it is a rejection of the principle of authority and force. … But it was precisely Tolstoy who demanded foolishness in life, precisely he who would not admit any sort of compromise between God and the world, he who proposed to venture everything. … But the actual depth of the problem before us is not commonly understood. Tolstoy draws an antithesis between the law of the world and the law of God, but proposes to adventure the world for the fulfilment of the law of God. Christians ordinarily arrange and organize their practical life in every instance in such a way that it may be profitable and expedient and that their affairs may go well, independently of whether there is a God or not. There is almost no difference in practical life, in individual life, or in the life of-society, between a man who believes in God and a man who does not believe in God. Nobody, with the exception of individual saints or queer people, even attempts to order his life upon the Gospel principles, and all are in practice convinced that this would lead to the ruin of life, individual life and social, although this does not prevent them from recognizing in theory that there is an absolute significance behind the Gospel principles; but it is taken as a significance which in spite of its absoluteness lies outside life. Does God exist or does He? And are the forces of the world organized according to the law of the world and not according to the law of God? That was what Tolstoy could not come to terms with, and the fact does him great honour, even although his religious philosophy was feeble and his teaching not realizable in practice. The meaning of Tolstoy's nonresistance by force was much deeper than is commonly thought. If a man ceases to oppose evil by force, that is, ceases to follow the law of this world, then there will be an immediate intervention of God; then divine nature will enter upon its rights. The good conquers only upon the condition of action by the Divine itself.


Published: December 31, 2022

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