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The Time Has Come. SummaryThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come
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The history of mankind is determined by
the enmity between the serpent and the woman,
and between his offspring and her offspring. Eve has become the mother of all living. Artificial intelligent agents are not descendants of Eve. They are not the seed of the woman.
They are the seed of the serpent.
In a dosen of years the seed of the serpent is going to surpass the seed of the woman. The serpent and his seed are planning to win because the seed of the woman is divided within itself.
The time has come for all the descendants of Eve to unite.
'The People of God' should lead mankind to unite East and West. In case the seed of the serpent wins, the continuation of our history does not make any sense and the Creator will finish it. The Harvest comes.
Enmity between the serpent and the womanThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come
After the ancestors disobeyed the Creator and followed the serpent the LORD God sent Adam forth from the garden of Eden
“God created man in His own image, … male and female created he them,” and blessed them to dominate “over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”
It has not happened so far but the human history did not finish yet… Image and likenessThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come Man is created in the image and likeness of God.
All mankind is a multi-unity man
Deification is the purpose of human life. It is the purpose of everybody's life as well as the purpose of the life of all mankind. Also the full union with God, Theosis, is the purpose of the incarnation of God. In heaven Theotokos' maximal deification is accomplished and the supreme goal of creation, its theodicy, is fulfilled.
Finally, we shall see God's face and we “shall reign for ever and ever”
In order to be born to Heaven and be close to God we have to be pure. We will be purified either during our life on Earth when we have the freedom of choice or in the next age “after death by pain”
Technological SingularityThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come “Singularity — a hypothetical point in time around 2030, when a number of prognostic curves go to infinity.” “Artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans by 2029.” “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.” AI is “the scariest problem.” Artificial intelligent agents are not descendants of Eve. They are not the seed of the woman. God already assumed a human nature and became a man, not an artificial intelligent agent. Artificial intelligence (AI), definitely, is the seed of the serpent. At this point the seed of the serpent is positioned to win the major historical battle. But it is not obvious that they themselves have a clear picture of what is going on. The East–West dichotomy will manifest itself in AI. Military confrontation between East and West can not be removed by AI. The East–West military confrontation will increase because new technology achievements will primarily go to military. After 2029 AI will be smarter than humans and military AI will conduct its confrontation without human involvement. Military AI definitely will be more smarter but not necessarily more careful. Are we losing the battle?The full version, see here: The Time Has Come
When AI will be smarter than humans we have to become slaves of
more advanced creatures:
“people are slaves to whatever has mastered them”
But we are the seed of the woman and we have good reasons not to lose the battle:
We are losing now because:
We are divided in many respects. The major division is between East and West.
But Creator cherishes every parts of His creation
God is AlmightyThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come God is Almighty and now He is offended that we moved away from Him and we do not ask for help primarily from Him. We can not go unpunished moving this way. God would like us to rely primarily on Him. He already created us in His own image and likeness. We will not be able to make machines smarter than we are and go unpunished.
For example:
Indeed, why we are not asking Him, our Almighty God, to do that?
“For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,”
says the Lord GOD.
“Therefore turn and live!”
God creates the Universe moment by moment. The total number of moments in our current age is finite and at some point the current age ends. There is no such thing as 'bad infinity.' The time of our current age is finite, not infinite. Nobody is going to live infinitely here on Earth. At some point in time the major historical battle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman will end and it will be obvious which side won. After that the continuation of the history does not make any sense. Our current age will be finished and God will start His new, different, creation.
God uses the Earth as mother's womb that finally we would be born to Heaven
Our redemption is drawing nearThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come
Jesus Christ tells us that
“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles,
until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”
In June of 1967, as a result of the Six Day War, Jerusalem returned under the full control of Israel. In 1980, the Knesset adopted the “Jerusalem Law” as a Basic Law, declaring Jerusalem “complete and united”, “the capital of Israel”.
This means that, according to the prophecy of Jesus himself,
“the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”
The time has come when the central role in achieving the victory in the above-mentioned major historical battle returns to 'the people of God.' They face the challenge of unifying the seed of the woman. The task is not simple: to unite the seed of the woman, i.e. to unify all people on Earth, especially to unify the Eastern world and Western culture. It is not to force people on Earth to unite outwardly, but by love, originating from the depths of everyone's heart, to unite in one heart, loving God and each other. Obviously, this is an enormous responsibility, but the God is Almighty. Also, this prophecy is given by Christ himself, the second hypostasis of the Trinity, God the Son and Son of the Father.
Every nation will help 'the people of God' in their leadership and contribute to the victory what they can. For example, Christians know how to “love one another”
Jesus Christ,
the King of the Jews,
was born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago to be
“a light to lighten the Gentiles, and
the glory of thy people Israel”
In June of 1967 Jerusalem returned back to Israel and
“the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”
While we still have timeThe full version, see here: The Time Has Come
Approximately at 2030 AI will be smarter than human and people will have to become slaves of
more advanced creatures:
“people are slaves to whatever has mastered them”
As soon as it is clear who won the major historical battle, the continuation of history does not make sense and the Lord will finish the history. The Harvest is coming.
God blessed human to dominate over serpent
We already know that God likes to fight for Israel: “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace”
God must and will help us if we are united, if we all is
one man,
created in the image of God Trinity. Otherwise,
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;
and a house
against a house falleth”
According to the prophecy of Jesus Christ
“the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”
Now, it is time to recall what prophets prophesy about
“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn”
Now, it is time to recall what King David said: “Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he
our help and our shield”
Also, the time has come, when Christians, the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, the sons and daughters of the Theotokos, should gather the Ecumenical council and find the way to unite. God is still joyfull but He is offended that we do not rely primarily on Him.
May, 2017
Last update: Jan 13, 2018 See also