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Conchita González (Maria Concepción González)![]()
Conchita González was the one of the four girls from San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain, who had had great number of apparitions of Archangel Michael and Our Lady during the course of 1961-1965 years. She was 12 years old at the time of the first apparition. Conchita and her mother… a personable young brunette with braids … Conchita Gonzalez was her name. She was the last child, the only girl among the offspring of Aniceta Gonzalez, a woman from the village who had lost her husband prematurely. At the beginning of our story Conchita was twelve years old; she was a gracious girl, very observant, with a quick mind. However in education she was backward like all the young girls in Garabandal. Her culture could not advance much beyond what she learned at the school in her secluded little village. ‹…› Aniceta Gonzalez, whom we have already mentioned, was an old-fashioned Christian who brought up her children very strictly. Her first offspring were boys: Serafin, who knew the hard toil of the coal mines at Santa Lucia (Leon); Aniceto, nicknamed Cetuco, who would die at an early age in 1965; and Miguel. It was natural that Aniceta concentrated her care on the youngest of them all, her only daughter! And that she would try to protect her from harm because of her Christian faith and her obligation as a mother.
Eusebio García de Pesquera O.F.M.
She Went in Haste to the Mountain Bk.I, Ch.1: Sunday, June 18, 1961 Conchita tried to enter the convent and was told in a locution from Our Lord that she was following her will and not His. After receiving education Conchita went to the United States and got married to Patrick Keena on May 26, 1973. They are living in New York with their four children.
Conchita was called to Rome in January of 1966Fr. Luna undertook to bring Conchita to Rome, in accord with the letter of Cardinal Ottaviani who then was the head of the Supreme Congregation of the Holy Office. I told the date of the Miracle to Cardinal Ottaviani and the Pope's confessor. The Pope [Paul VI] gave me the impression of being an oppressed person, as if restrained by the cardinals and the hierarchy. See also