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Arnold de WyonArnold de Wyon — Benedictine historian.
In 1595 Arnold de Wyon, monk of Benedictine Order, published heavy volume named «Lignum vitae». Part of this book included so called «Prophecy of the Popes», which Wyon attributed to Saint Malachy. The prophecy of St. Malachy said a lot of publicity because it can be observed more or less amazing encounters between rare currency after its publication and the popes they are supposed to match. But, conversely, most currencies are perfectly cryptic and esoteric, to justify them, are forced to laboriously use the arms of Pope in question, or of his family or of his hometown or those of a city which he was bishop, or of the order to which he belonged, and so on. Also, regardless of the conditions very suspicious of its publication, this text is taken seriously by any scientist, and it is not used in the Church (at least officially). As the texts of the same kind (including centuries of Nostradamus ), its predictive effect was always zero, that is to say that never have predicted what would happen: it is always post — once we have established relationships between the prophecy and reality. See alsoLinks