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Homilies of hegumen Varsonofii (Khaibulin)Compiled on the basis of homilies of hegumen Varsonofii (Khaibulin) to eschatological themes. The Beasts of the Apocalypse
The seed of the Devil.
The beasts are the seed of the serpent, the seed of the devil. Firstly, it is what it
human consciousness with and, secondly, what
is born
as a result of this insemination.Apparently, the insemination is always active, Apparently, this insemination always works, but the Apocalypse says that 42 months is the period when the beast receives maximum power, maximum freedom
Half a week of times is not a definite duration. It can be considered from the beginning of the New Testament era to the moment when the enemies of the Church celebrate their mid-days — their highest success in the fight against the Church, the people of God. This is a huge indefinite duration of time. And the last months and last days of this period are expressed by the symbols of 42 months and 1260 days.
Moreover, 42 months refer to the events in the country of the serpent (Rev. 11:2, Rev. 13:5), where the beast receives the highest power. And 42 months relate to events in the camp of the serpent
And 1260 days refer to the events in the camp of the Woman
In addition to the serpent, according to the original biblical text, only its seed is at enmity against the Church. The seed (Heb. זֶרַע “zera`”) means that (1) with which it inseminates the consciousness of people, and (2) what is obtained is born as a result of this insemination, that is, in the second case, already human freedom, and consciousness is involved in it.
In history, the beasts act simultaneously, that is, the first beast, which looks like a dragon, like two drops of water: seven-headed, ten-horned
So, the first beast creates the most powerful statehood, and creates a feeling of invincibility (seven heads, ten horns — all these are symbols of such invincibility). He suppresses the will
The image of the beast is quite a capacious, rich image, it can be interpreted as follows: (1)
what the devil
the consciousness of people is some heretical ideas, and (2)
what is
as a result of this insemination, we can already say, is the Antichrist himself, the one that is predicted in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians by the Apostle Paul: “he who opposes and exalts himself above everything that is called God or holy things, so that he sits in the temple of God as God, showing himself to be God”
The Power of Darkness.
It can be said for sure that the first beast in the first sense is the power of the darkness of the sixth day
In relation to people, the first beast as a whole carries the ideas of materialism, the denial of everything that makes us human. And in relation to Christians, he carries a lie about the seventh day, that there will be no seventh day. And finally, as a result of this insemination, the second meaning of the beast, is the birth of the Antichrist himself, the son of perdition (Greek
ὁ υἱὸς τῆς ἀπωλείας), as he is called by the Apostle Paul
The people of God are losing faith in victory.
The time of the exodus is the seventh day. The beast manages to defeat the religious consciousness of Christians, that is, in some way to inflict a hole in the shield of faith. Faith is likened to the shield of the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Ephesians
Beasts of the prophet Daniel and the Beasts of the Apostle John.
Here the task of distinguishing between the beasts of Daniel and the beasts of John also arises, because their books set forth, contemplate the same events from different angles of esoteric vision. And there is some difference between them, although they talk about the same events. If we somehow speak about them in advance, approximately and cautiously, then we can express it in such a way that what Daniel sees is, as it were, the “geopolitical history” of the kingdom of Antichrist. Because there, among the four beasts, one stands out,
With Pyotr Ivanov it is somewhat different, with Sergius Bulgakov it is even different. Not everything converges there equally, not everything agrees, not everything is very convincing. But something still, I emphasize once again, can be discerned. Secrets remain secrets, but they can still be distinguished. This is the fate of the human mind in general, that it does not fully know the essence of things, but it can distinguish them, as it were, by some systems of inequalities, not identities. The only thing I can accurately express is that the antichrist himself is the second meaning of the first beast that comes out of the sea. But in Daniel it goes like the small horn of the fourth beast
Seven heads, ten horns. The seven heads, ten horns, these symbols can be interpreted the following way.
Or, say, the world system of socialism. She, too, advanced and recognized herself as the mistress of this world: “Only we, the workers of the world, the Great Army of Labor, Have the right to own the land, But never parasites.” Throughout its existence, it has supported all sorts of subversive movements, revolutionary, so to speak. She fueled them, fed them, and her foreign policy was oriented towards the world revolution. Trotsky ended his every speech with the words “Long live the world revolution!” Then Stalin defeated Trotsky, but the course towards the world revolution always remained, because otherwise it would be a betrayal of Marxism, which is aimed at the world revolution, and not at its triumph in a single country. It was Lenin who revised Marxism, and classical Marxism is aimed at world revolution. That is, it is a system advancing on the world. The Seer manages to express this symbolically in the form of ten horns. And ten is a perfect, pleromic number. It is the sum of the first four. And four is space and is seen by the prophets in visions as four-pointed, four-sided. The first four numbers together make ten. Or, say, the Roman ten, this is an oblique cross aimed at four corners. For some reason, there seems to be a quadrangular space. Maybe this will seem naive to someone, but nevertheless there are some laws of esoteric vision, some kind of symbolism of its own. Where is it coming from? It may come from the Holy Spirit. So seven is the capture of the septenary time, the capture of time as a form of consciousness. And ten horns express the focus on the world space, the world system advancing on the world, the empire, the world system of socialism, etc. That's how, in my opinion, it should be understood.
What are the beasts.
The dragon is the devil himself
Beasts are the seed of the serpent. Two meanings of the seed of the serpent: (1) that which the serpent plants in the minds of people, and (2) that which is born as a result of this insemination. In the second sense, it is the Antichrist himself. In the first sense, this is materialism, the denial of all worship of God. This is the first beast.
The second beast is a culture, an ideology that works for seduction, which gives the image of the beast a seductive face, a seductive character. Through this deception, people's hearts are won. Why does the second beast have two horns like the Lamb's
The second beast comes out of the earth
The first beast is the winner,
and the second beast is
the organizer of the cult
of the first beast. He organizes the cult and, thanks to him, the image of the beast begins to speak and act
Two olive trees are killed by a beast coming out of the abyss. See also