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Homilies of hegumen Varsonofii (Khaibulin)Compiled on the basis of homilies of hegumen Varsonofii (Khaibulin) to eschatological themes. Half-week of times
“Half-week of times”, “time and times and half a time” is a time interval of indefinite duration lasting until the moment when the enemies of the Church experience “half their days” — its highest triumph over the people of God. “The middle of days” is the moment of the highest triumph, victory
The symbol of the half-week, “time, times, half-time”, 42 months, 1260 days is the time until the moment when the people of God suffer extreme exhaustion, and the enemies reach the highest triumph: “in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation”
This is when the people of God are brought to death. At this time, the wicked celebrate their victory. This is an indefinite length of time. It can be started right from the beginning of the development of the Church and brought to the moment, which in the 2nd half of the 19th chapter of the Apocalypse is contemplated as some battle (Rev 19:19). 42 months, 1260 daysThe symbol of the half-week of times means that the evil ones are celebrating their highest ascent. But this triumph turns into their crushing defeat. Their defeat is the victory of the Church. This victory of the Church is just being prepared in the period which is indicated by the symbol of 1260 days. 42 months is the period of development of events in the camp of the beast, the prince of darkness. In the language of the biblical prophets, night is a synonym for darkness. The night is ruled by the moon. Lunar cycles, i.e. months, the development of events in the enemy camp is measured. The time of darkness, the time of the development of darkness, is measured by months.
1260 days is the period of development of events in the camp of the Woman. Day is the divine name of light. “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day”
This, in fact, is the fullness of the grace-filled energies of the Holy Spirit. “I cannot look, Father, because your eyes are flashing like lightning. Your face has become brighter than the sun, and my eyes ache with pain” (St. Seraphim's Transfiguration in the Holy Spirit, Conversation with Motovilov). 42 months are the last months of the half-week. 1260 days are the last days of the half-week. How to recognize the beginning of these terms? There is a prophecy of the Savior about the trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles (Luk 21:24). 42 months is the time of Gentiles trampling Jerusalem, the hierarchical center of the Church (Rev 11:2). Both tramplings are predicted by one text (two destinies — by one text), so they are somewhat consistent. Therefore, the events of Jewish history are a prototype, an omen, of the events of Christian history. The 42-month period begins with such cataclysms, which were foreshadowed by the events of the year 70 in Judea: the Jewish war, the uprising against the Romans, the Roman invasion of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, the introduction of the statue of the emperor into the temple. This is what started the most humiliating trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles. This is when the Romans destroyed the temple and brought in what the Jews perceived as an abomination of desolation: statues, Roman eagles. All this for the Jews was an abomination of desolation. The Jewish revolution, the Jewish uprising, the war — these were the prototypes, the omens of those events from which the 42-month trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles begins. The little horn of Daniel's prophecy
One more addition needs to be made here. According to the 7th chapter of Daniel, the accession of the Antichrist is preceded by the fall of three horns. The Antichrist only appears when the three horns are uprooted
As a result of the events of 1917-1918, three Christian monarchies perished. All of them are related in some special sense to the Roman Empire. The fourth beast of Daniel has always been interpreted as the Roman Empire. And the apostles themselves, when they asked the Savior the question: “Are you not at this time restoring the kingdom to Israel?”
As a result, a small horn appears. The small horn means a young state. It nonetheless attacks the world, creates a world system and attacks the Church.
Daniel's little horn speaks arrogantly
It should be noted that in ancient times such exaltation could not have been. Ancient people were not atheists. All of them were in their own way, in a pagan way, worshipers of God. There were persecutors of Christians: Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero. Christians took Nero for the Antichrist, but he was not an atheist. Nero was not a detractor of “all that is called god or holy”. The logical volume of the subject “all that is called god or holy” and Lenin's subject “every god” is the same. They completely coincide in logical volume. The world of ancient people was filled with gods. The denial of everything divine is the paradox of modern times. This is the paradox of Europe, which survives Christianity, then discards it and gives birth to extreme materialism, extreme, Leninist hatred of God. In this sense, Lenin surpassed absolutely everyone in the past and, apparently, everyone in the future, because there is no greater exaltation in the world of words. The Antichrist Sits in the Hearts of Former ChristiansPatristics does not give us anything to identify these things. The Fathers of the Church were infants in this respect. They could not imagine this kind of blasphemy. They were kind people. A good person is very slow-witted in relation to the machinations of evil. He does not know evil in himself, just as a baby does not know evil. He cannot convict people of vices that he himself does not know. The Fathers of the Church were infants in this respect. They couldn't imagine that this was possible. Finally, they could not imagine such a crisis in Christianity that the Antichrist would sit in the hearts of former Christians. It was impossible for the Fathers of the Church to imagine that people who were baptized, took nourishment in the church for some time, took communion, would become beast-worshipers, temples of the extreme blasphemer. This kind of spiritual catastrophe the Fathers of the Church could not foresee, because they were too kind people. But, armed only with patristics, you will not understand anything in this. Here it is much more valuable to read Sergius Bulgakov. He has such works as “Feuerbach's Religion of Human God”, “Karl Marx As a Religious Type”, in which the author manages to understand, to feel something that was brewing at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and which was discovered already in Bolshevism, communism. Beginning of 42 month period1917-1918 is the beginning of a 42-month period. In 1917, the Mother of God appears in Fatima and announces that a process of attack on faith, on Christianity, will begin from Russia, with tragic consequences. She also says, “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph”. This means that this process will end with the triumph of the good earth. And the good land is the land of exodus, the land of promise. This means that the people in captivity, whose spiritual name is Egypt and Sodom, will again gather in the good land. This is exactly the onset of the Sabbath, the beginning of the co-reign with Christ, the time, which is indicated by the symbol “1000 years”. This is just the triumph of the good land.
Otherwise, when a grace-filled time of peace is predicted, the prophet Isaiah says that “the mountain of the house of the Lord will be set at the head of the mountains and will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will flow to it”
Our Lady of Fatima, in Portugal, announced that the period has come, which will end with the triumph of Her Heart. Start of 1260 day period
When does the period indicated by the symbol 1260 days begin?
Here it is necessary to peer into the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse. There, the greatest appearance of the Mother of God is predicted, where She is revealed under the name “Woman clothed in the sun”. A woman clothed with the sun gives birth to “a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron”
The new shepherds are born thanks to the extraordinary descent of the Mother of God, which is contemplated as the appearance of the Woman, clothed in the sun, who gives birth to a baby. Further, a vision is narrated, which recalls the flight of the holy family from Herod. She runs away from the dragon who wants to devour the baby. A prototype of this was the flight of the holy family with the infant Christ from Herod, the king of Jerusalem, who, in order to kill the born Messiah, kills 14,000 babies in Bethlehem. Such satanic fierce malice. Herod and Herod's persecution is a type of what is foretold in the vision of chapter 12. If you read the description of the Zeytun apparitions, then, first of all, it is noteworthy that the Mother of God appears in Egypt in the very place where the holy family fled from Herod. This is a clear hint that this phenomenon is the very descent that is predicted in the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse. The Mother of God appears so that a new shepherding, a new hierarchy, is born. She comes with an olive branch in order for the upcoming events of the 1000th anniversary to come true. This is the time of blessed peace, the symbol of which is the olive branch. So She predicts the coming victory, triumph. What was predicted in Fatima as the triumph of Her Heart is the same in Zeitoun, the time of peace, predicted by the olive branch. The beginning of the 42-month period is announced at Fatima, and the beginning of the 1260-day period is announced at Zeitoun. The Sabbath of the People of God is Coming SoonWhere are we? We are approaching that amazing milestone when the hierarchy and people of God are suffering extreme exhaustion, mortification. All are strangers to the descent of the Mother of God. The frontier is suitable, which the seer contemplates as something like a battle. Of course, this cannot be directly transferred to the empirical plane. By the way, people often sin with this when they try to see in the events of history what the seer is contemplating. The seer sees the inner spiritual essence and interconnection of events, but not at all their outer empirical side. Now is a terrible time. The time when many turned away from the guiding ministry of the Mother of God. It's already darkness, already captive. This is already a trample — facing the earth, not Heaven. Battle of the 2nd half of the 19th chapter of the Apocalypse
This battle ends “the midst of the week”
There is the eternally real existence of God, and around — only nothing. When the Lord creates, out of this nothingness He creates the world. The creative action of God is creation out of nothing. This symbol (1000 years = a day before the Lord) indicates that Christianity is suffering a terrible destruction, that the Church has to be recreated as if from nothing. A terrible crisis, but behind this crisis are the greatest victories, the greatest triumph. See also