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Franciscans (Ordo Fratrum Minorum, O.F.M.)Franciscans (lat. Ordo Fratrum Minorum; «minorites», «little brothers», O.F.M.) — Catholic mendicant monastic order. Founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1208 with the aim of preaching apostolic poverty, asceticism, and love of neighbor among the people. The female (second) branch of the order is the Clarissinki (O.S.C.I.). The order was founded by Saint Clare of Assisi as the Second (female) Order of the Franciscans in 1212. The third branch of the order, or the Third Order of St. Francis — tertiaries, founded by St. Francis about 1221. Tertiaries are both men and women who have taken vows and lead a life in accordance with the spirituality of the order, but remain in the world.
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