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Fatima. Lucia Santos. 4th Memoir (1941-12-08)This longest of all the Memoirs came into existence like the previous ones, by chance as it were, being written, not on Lucia’s own initiative, but at the request of her superiors. On October 7th, 1941, the Bishop of Leiria and Rev. Dr. Galamba, well prepared for further interrogations, came to Valença do Minho, and there Lucia joined them. They brought the Third Memoir with them, explained what Dr. Galamba now desired to know, and presented Dom José’s formal requests. They so stressed the need for haste that Lucia sent the first note-book to the Bishop, immediately upon its completion, on November 5th. The second and last note-book was finished by the 8th of December. Now, what was it that was required of Lucia? Someone wanted her to write down absolutely “everything” without delay. But the Bishop very wisely remarked: “No, I will not ask her to do that...” Nevertheless, Lucia was asked to do quite a lot:
1. Dr. Galamba had many questions which, due to lack of time, she was to answer in writing.
Lucia spared no effort in dealing with all these questions. She answered with admirable clarity and in great detail. She could indeed assure the Bishop: “I believe I have written everything which Your Excellency has asked me to write just now.» Quite deliberately, she withheld only the third part of the secret. As to the spirit in which she wrote, this does not differ at all from that of her former manuscripts: “...obedience and abandonment to God who works within me. I am truly no more than a poor and miserable instrument which He desires to use, and in a little while, like a painter who casts his now useless brush into the fire so that it may be reduced to ashes, the Divine Artist will Himself reduce His now useless instrument to the ashes of the tomb, until the great day of the eternal Alleluias.” See also