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Our Lady of Garabandal
The Apparitions of Our Lady of Garabandal took place from 1961 through 1965. It was St. Michael the Archangel who started appearing before four schoolgirls at San Sebastian de Garabandal, a small hamlet of some 80 humble dwellings located in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain. Then, about two week later, started stupendous and remarkable apparitions of Virging Mary. Many of those events was photographed and filmed on film. The names and ages of the girls are following: Mari Loli Mazón (12), Jacinta González (12), Mari Cruz Gonzales (11) and Conchita González (12). From June 18, 1961 the Angel appeared to them several times and then on July 1, he spoke for the first time announcing that on the following day, July 2, the Blessed Virgin would appear to them as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Apparitions lasted until Saturday, 13 of November, 1965, when Conchita González saw Our Lady for the last time.
ApparitionsAccording to the girls, the reason for the Apparitions was the call for «the conversion of hearts». This call is the exhortation to turn to God, to repent of our sins and to imitate Christ. Messages of Our Lady of GarabandalThe girls said, that Our Lady gave them the two formal «Messages». The First Message was delivered by Our Lady to all four girls. It was publicly announced on October 18, 1961. The Second Message of Our Lady was received by Conchita González on June 18, 1965 through St. Michael the Archangel. The Warning, The Miracle, The Sign, The ChastisementThe Blessed Virgin told the girls there will be the Great Miracle. The Warning would be given before the Miracle so that the world might amend itself. God will send a Warning to the entire world. It will be like a purification before the Miracle to see if with the Warning and Miracle we will be converted. After the Miracle the Sign will remain in Garabandal until the end of time. During the «Nights of Screams» girls saw how the great Chastisement for all mankind would come, and that it would come directly from God. The Chastisement is a conditional thing. That is why Our Lady came to Garabandal: to avert this great danger for mankind. That is why She was asking to listen to Her messages and to find and to follow Christ.
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